About me...
When Walt Disney came out with his Davy Crockett series in the 1950's I went from possibly being a lawyer, brain surgeon, wall street mogul or whatever you do after you finish getting educated, to being "something" on the American frontier! When I saw Davy on TV as a kid, everything else was pretty much over. It, indeed...without a doubt...changed the course of my life.
I made my first gun... a .32 caliber "smooth" squirrel rifle in percussion... during my junior year of high school (1965). As I have related to others many times... "it would not have made a good boat paddle!"... but it was a start... MY start... with a trail of more than a few that would follow.
I have always studied Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett and many of their contemporaries. I settled long ago with the fact that most of them were pretty much like me - "just common folks" trying to make a life for themselves and their families.
The tools they used just to live and work everyday have always fascinated me, too. Searching antique shops, flea markets, places where old stuff was sold, convinced me that the guns they used, many times under difficult and harsh & extreme conditions, would have probably been (but certainly not always)... mostly "common".
The rest is history. After all these years I have stayed close to the original idea of "common folks... common tools", which certainly applies to the American flintlock. With that said I sincerely Thank You for considering what I have to offer.
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